Osaka Metro


2025.02.18 18:14分時刻

  • Normal operation
  • 御堂筋線
  • Normal operation
  • 谷町線
  • Normal operation
  • 四橋線
  • Normal operation
  • 中央線
  • Normal operation
  • 千日前線
  • Normal operation
  • 堺筋線
  • Normal operation
  • 長堀鶴見綠地線
  • Normal operation
  • 今里筋線
  • Normal operation
  • 新電車


  • Language

Matters to be disclosed under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information

I The Name of Businesses Handling Personal Information
Osaka Metro Co., Ltd.
1-12-62 Kujo Minami, Nishi-ku, Osaka City
You can check the name of the representative here.

II Our Purpose of use for Personal Data the Business Holds
To conduct the following businesses, we will use Personal Data the business holds to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use. However, we may use beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use when the usage is based on laws and regulations.

[Business Description]
(1) Transportation business based on Rail Tracks Act and Railway Business Act
(2) Passenger motor carrier business
(3) Construction and improvement of railroad facilities
(4) Cleaning and maintenance of railroad facilities and buildings
(5) Information processing and information provision services
(6) Travel business
(7) Advertising business
(8) Purchase and sale, brokerage, lease and management of movables and real estate
(9) Leasing of optical fiber cables
(10) Management of restaurants, hotels and leisure facilities
(11) Sales of foodstuffs, drinking water, alcoholic beverages, toys, books, clothing, miscellaneous daily goods
(12) Management of nursery center, daycare centers and welfare facilities for the elderly persons
(13) Issuance, sale and related agency services of prepaid payment instruments
(14) Acquisition, possession and disposal of investment equity and specific equity to purchase and sale and possession of beneficial interest in real estate trust
(15) All other businesses incidental or related to the preceding items

1 Purpose of Use for Personal Data the Business Holds related to Customers
(1) Conclusion, performance and post-conclusion management for transportation contracts in our railway business and rail track business and contracts for supplying a good or service (hereinafter referred to as “Our Services”)
(2) Making contact and delivery to provide Our Services
(3) Sending information, advertising materials and printed materials related to Our Services, various events, campaigns
(4) Responding to customer inquiries, opinions and requests
(5) Notifying winners and adopting and offering premiums in activities such as various events, campaigns, and rewarding to public
(6) Surveys and analysis for management analysis, safety measures and service improvements
(7) Management, delivery and contact of lost property
(8) Dealing, making contact and administrative procedure in case of emergency
(9) Creation of statistical information without correspondence relation with individuals
(10) Implementation of other operations related to (1) to (9) above

2 Purpose of Use for Personal Data the Business Holds related to Business Partners
Conclusion, performance and post-conclusion management for contracts with business partners

3 Purpose of Use for Personal Data the Business Holds related to our Officers, Employees and Other Persons in Employment Relationships, their Family Members, and Retirees
(1) Business contact
(2) Personnel management, including identification of human resources, education and training, skill development, assignment decisions, and personnel evaluations
(3) Labor management, including working conditions, salary payment, welfare and well-being, safety and health, and health management
(4) Fulfillment of obligations in company rules such as rules of employment and related laws and regulations such as labor-related laws and regulations and tax-related laws and regulations
(5) Management of information related to retirees and post-retirement contact, sending various types of handouts

4 Purpose of Use for Personal Data the Business Holds Related to Applicants and Would-be Applicants for Employment
(1) Consideration and determination of employment
(2) Providing company information and employment information, contact for hiring and rejection, and conducting other recruitment activities

III Joint Use of Personal Data
We will jointly use Personal Data as follows;
(I) Joint Use of Personal Data related to ICOCA for Children and ICOCA Commuter Pass
1 Categories of Personal Data Subject to Joint Use
Names, date of birth, gender, telephone numbers

2 Scope of Companies Who Jointly Use
Other companies who sell ICOCA pass

3 Joint User's Purpose of Use
To identify the person and make necessary contact for re-issuance due to the loss

4 Person Responsible for Management of Personal Data
West Japan Railway Company
4-24, Shibata 2-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka City
You can check the name of the representative here.

(II) We will use part of Personal Data within the scope necessary for conducting the business listed in II - Our Purpose of use for Personal Data the Business Holds. Use of Personal Data related to ICOCA for Children and ICOCA Commuter Pass is as in (I). However, we may use beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use when the usage is based on laws and regulations.

1 Categories of Personal Data Subject to Joint Use

(1) Personal Data related to our customer

Name, gender, zip code, address, telephone number, e-mail address, place of employment, IC ticket card ID, transit history (linked to the items above only)

(2) Personal Data related to our officers and employees

Name, employee number, affiliation, address, date of birth, gender, telephone number, e-mail address, salary, employment status, education, employment history, qualifications.

(3) Personal Data related to family members of our officers and employees

Name, relationship to officers and employees, address, date of birth, gender.

2 Scope of Companies who Jointly Use

Group companies of Osaka Metro Co., Ltd.

- Osaka City Bus Co., Ltd.

- Osaka Metro Service Co., Ltd.

- Osaka Chikagai Co., Ltd.

- Osaka Metro Adela Co., Ltd.

- Osaka Metro Business Associate Co., Ltd.

- TUCKNAL Co., Ltd.

3 Joint Users’ Purpose of Use

(1) Responding to customer inquiries, opinions and requests

(2) Joint users’ performance of human resource management and labor management due to secondment, dispatch, transfer, concurrent employment

(3) Surveys and analysis for management analysis, safety measures, service improvements

(4) Creation of statistical information without correspondence relation with individuals

4 Person Responsible for Management of the Personal Data

Osaka Metro Co., Ltd.

1-12-62 Kujo Minami, Nishi-ku, Osaka City

You can check the name of the representative here.

IV Handling of Anonymized Personal Information

We create anonymized personal information prepared in a way that makes it not possible to identify a specific individual customer from Personal Data and take measures for managing the security of Personal Data. We plan to create similar anonymized personal information on an ongoing basis continuously.

1 Categories of “Information Relating to an Individual” Contained in the Anonymized Personal Information

Gender, zip code, ID (“IC ticket card ID” substantial part of which is prepared so that it does not identify a specific individual customer) and transit history.

2 Method of Provision of Anonymous Personal Information

Provided companies who jointly use listed in III (II) 2, by hand delivery of an external storage medium containing a password-protected electronic file.

We will state to the third party explicitly that the information it will provide is anonymized personal information.

V Procedures for Disclosure of Personal Data the Business Holds
1 Scope of Personal Data the Business Holds subject to Disclosure Requests
- Please identify the Personal Data the business holds when requesting “disclosure,” “notification of a purpose of use,” “correction, addition, or deletion,” “cease to use or deletion,” or “suspension of provision to a third party” (hereinafter referred to as “Disclosure.”)
The following information is not in the scope of Disclosure, because it does not fall under the category of “Personal Data the Business Holds” based on laws and regulations.
*The data that we do not have the authority to disclose
- Please identify the record of provision to a third party when requesting “Disclosure” of the record of provision to a third party.

2 Contact for Disclosure Request
Please send a request form and a document to identify the identifiable person, and the handling charge enclosed for Disclosure by mail, to the following address.
[Our Contact]
1-12-62 Kujo Minami, Nishi-ku, Osaka City, 550-8552 Japan
Personal Information Management Section, Osaka Metro Co., Ltd.

3 Documents and Requirements to be Submitted for Disclosure Request
Please send us the following documents for Disclosure request by the identifiable person

(1) Request form for Disclosure Request
Request form for Disclosure Request-purchase history of commuter pass
* Please download and print the form, fill in the required fields, and affix your seal.
* Please note that only the form is acceptable, and no other form is acceptable.
* Please note that no sent document for Disclosure request is returned including the document to identify the identifiable person.

(2) Document to Identify the Identifiable Person
Please enclose a copy of one of the following items to verify that the request is made by the identifiable person. Page(s) containing the person's name and address is necessary.

- Driver's license
- Passport
- Health insurance card
- Photo identification card issued by a government or municipal office (In the case of an Individual Number Card, only the front side of the card is acceptable.)
- A certified extract copy of the family register (address, name, and other necessary information only)
- A certified copy of the residence (address, name, and other necessary information only)
- Pension handbook

4 Disclosure request by representative or agent
Please enclose the following documents for Disclosure request by a legal representative or an agent privately appointed by the identifiable person.

(1) Legal Representative
a Legal Representative of a Minor
- Certificate of entries recorded in a resident record that describes the relationship between the principal and the legal representative
- Document to verify the identity of the legal representative of the minor (please see #3 above)
b Legal Representative of an Adult Ward
- Certificates of registered information related to guardian of an adult ward
- Document to verify the identity of the legal representative of the adult ward (please see #3 above)

(2) Agent Privately Appointed
- Power of attorney
- Document to verify the identity of the agent (please see #3 above)

5 Payment of the Handling Charge
The handling charge below is required in Disclosure request for Personal Data the business holds or the record of provision to a third party by mail.
The handling charge: JPY620 per request
Payment method: Please enclose the postal stamps worth JPY620 with the request documents.

6 Response to Requests for Disclosure
We will commence the procedure upon the receipt of the request documents without deficiency. However, we may take some time due to our workload, such as identification of Personal Data the business holds.
We will send the materials by registered mail to the address written on the request form.

7 Purpose of Use of Personal Information Obtained in Connection with Requests for Disclosure
We will use the personal information obtained in connection with requests for Disclosure to the extent necessary to respond to the request for Disclosure.

8 Non-Disclosure in Response to Requests for Disclosure

We will not respond to the requests for Disclosure in the following cases. When deciding non-disclosure, we will notify it.

(1) if we cannot identify the request is made by the identifiable person or, representative or agent.

(2) if the request documents have a deficiency.

(3) if the requested information does not fall under the category of “Personal Data the Business Holds.”

(4) if the requested information is not to be disclosed based on laws and regulations.

(5) if Disclosure is likely to harm rights or interests of a third party.

(6) if Disclosure is likely to seriously interfere with the proper implementation of our business.

(7) If Disclosure would violate any other law or regulation.

* If submitted documents have a deficiency, we will contact the address or phone number written on the request form. In case no correction nor re-submission is made within a certain period of time after the contact, we will assume that no request has been made.

VI Measures Taken for the Management of the Security of Personal Data the Business Holds

Measures are taken under section four () of our Privacy Policy.

VII Contact Related to Personal Data the Business Holds

1-12-62 Kujo Minami, Nishi-ku, Osaka City, 550-8552 Japan

Personal Information Management Section, Osaka Metro Co., Ltd.


(8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and December 29 through January 3.)